Ujjayi Pranayama | Victorious Breath | उज्जायी प्राणायाम

Ujjayi consists of the words ‘Uj’ and ‘Jay’ which translates to ‘Vijay’ that is ‘Victorious’ therefore the term, ‘Victorious Breath.’ Ujjayi Pranayama serves to regulate breathing and regulate the body’s breathing mechanism. It can also be called ocean breath pranayama because while practicing, a sound resembling the ocean appears. By making the body produce heated air, this exercise aids in the removal of polluted and infectious substances.

Only the nostrils are used for respiration during this pranayama. Because of the throat’s narrow airway and slow airflow rate, a sea-like sound is produced while performing this yogic breathing. Ujjayi Pranayama should be regularly practiced to prevent many major illnesses. It can be practiced in seated, standing, or lying positions. 


  • Sit straight as you pull your shoulders back and close your eyes gently. To prepare yourself for the pranayama, focus on your breath without controlling it. If you’ve previously been inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils, start breathing from your mouth. 
  • Pay attention to your throat. Start to tighten the glottis at your throat’s back when you breathe out to somewhat restrict airflow.  There ought to be a faint hissing sensation.
  • When you are confident with the exhalation, start to employ a similar throat tightness for the inhalation. Again, you will be able to hear a quiet hissing sound.
  • Close your mouth and breathe normally through your nose after you can control your throat for both inhalation and exhalation. Employ this very same toning technique to the neck as you used when your mouth was agape. The sound of the air entering and exiting the nostrils will continue. 
  • Now begin utilizing this breath throughout your exercises. If your instructor instructs you to take another breath, do an ujjayi inhalation. Keep this technique in mind and use it when you just want a little additional assistance to maintain your position.


According to several scientific studies, ujjayi seems to have a balancing effect on the neurological and cardiorespiratory systems as a whole. It relieves tension and soothes irritability and impatience while promoting mental and physical calmness. One can benefit from using the Ujjayi pranayama in the following ways-

  • Reduces breathing rate, which is claimed to lengthen the life
  • Revitalizes and detoxifies the Nadis 
  • Nourishes the mind and body with new prana
  • Enhances concentration and mental sharpness
  • Increase in immunological function
  • Rejuvenates and calms the nerves
  • Encourages a restful sleep and minimizes snoring
  • Assists with heart-related ailments, hypertension, and thyroid issues
  • Helps enrich voice value in singers 
  • Aids in treating bodily fluid retention.
  • Boosts appetite and clears mucus.
  • Beneficial for conditions including a persistent cold, coughing, indigestion, liver issues, diarrhea, fever, and others.
  • Improves concentration
  • Warms the bodily core and regulates body temperature


Do not tighten your throat too much during the pranayama, just a slight constriction is enough. This breathing technique could be challenging if you suffer from asthma. Ensure that you are getting enough oxygen, and stop practicing if you start to feel dizzy or nauseous. Pain shouldn’t be experienced while performing this exercise.


The Ujjayi pranayama promotes the energy’s organic and voluntary passage from the body’s center towards the head. The blocked Sushumna Nadi is cleared and unblocked by the heat produced by the Ujjayi pranayama, which also awakens it to allow for smoother prana flow. Ujjayi breathing is another useful pratyahara practice. The ocean wave sound turns into an audio signal that centers our mindfulness on the air by focusing our awareness. 

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